Mercoledì 6 febbraio in Aula Hume alle 12.00 la prof.ssa Sabrina Marczak, PUCRS University (Brazil), terrà un seminario dal titolo “Requirements-driven Collaboration – A framework and patterns from a case study”
Visual Studio Research Tools
After one year and a half since the SEIF 2011 Award, SocialTFS (here renamed as “Social for TFS”) is now listed among the Visual Studio Research Tools:
Social for Team Foundation Server (Social for TFS) is a community add-on for Visual Studio to aggregate teammates’ content from various social sites, such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, into the developer’s workspace. Social for TFS is developed in C# and available under MPL license.
Seminario Margaret-Anne Storey
Giovedì 11 ottobre in Aula Hume alle 15.30 la Prof.ssa Margaret-Anne Storey, University of Victoria, terrà un seminario dal titolo:
“The Evolution of the Social Programmer”
Abstract (more…)
SEIF 2012 Day
The 2012 Software Engineering Innovation Foundation (SEIF 2012) workshop
brings together SEIF winners, influential software engineering researchers, and researchers from Microsoft Research to present and discuss existing software engineering projects being pursued by the SEIF community, and future directions of software engineering research.
Keynote by Brad Myers, from Carnegie Mellon University, one of the leaders of the HCI community.
Then talks by SEIF 2011 awardees, including me 🙂
MSR Faculty Summit 2012
Microsoft Research Summit started today with more than 400 participants, including MS researchers and academics. Live Stream at
Other way to follow the event: #FacSumm.
IWOSN 2012
Si è appena concluso a Patrasso l’Intersocial Workshop on Online Social Networks: Challenges and Perspectives (IWOSN 2012), organizzato nell’ambito del progetto Intersocial.
Fabio ha presentato la proposta di “Social Aggregator for SMEs” e Nicole è stata Session Chair di “Strategies and case studies for SMEs”.
Grazie ai nostri colleghi di Patrasso e Ioannina per il lavoro organizzativo. Il workshop è stato un successo sia come partecipazione che interesse suscitato. Un in bocca al lupo per il weekend critico che li aspetta. Si meritano il meglio
Keynote at MSR 2012
Although in Zurich, I was not at the Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2012) because it partially overlapped with a workshop I was taking part. So I have missed the keynote: The Evolution of the Social Programmer, by Margaret-Anne Storey (Peggy for friends), and I feel sorry for this. Fortunately there is slideshare.
CHASE 2012
Siamo reduci dal Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE 2012), evento satellite di ICSE a Zurigo.
Il workshop è stato molto proficuo. Abbiamo parlato di SocialTFS e raccolto molti apprezzamenti oltre che una buona occasione di iniziare una sperimentazione a Porto Alegre con project work universitari promossi da Microsoft. Non è ancora il case study industriale ma è comunque un passo avanti.
RTC meets IBM Connections
IBM ha integrato il proprio ambiente di sviluppo collaborativo, Rational Team Concert, con la propria piattaforma di social software, IBM Connections. Il risultato è un social RTC che urge comparare al nostro SocialTFS.
Filippo goes to Redmond
16 Feb 2012. I gave a talk about SocialTFS at Microsoft Research in Redmond, WA.
It was an intense but rewarding day. Below some feedback.
I’m an SDET on the TFS team and I wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed your talk today. I think this is a very interesting concept and I do believe that building these types of interpersonal bonds between team members improves collaboration and working conditions.
Thank you very much for sharing your work with us. We shall be in touch for more details if needed.
It was wonderful to see what you’ve build into Visual Studio and TFS. … By the way, your talk is now online: