AI-augmented software development

Using maturing AI techniques to augment human decision making in software engineering and to enable learning from the vast amount of software engineering data.

• Generative AI for automatic labeling

Do LLMs, or smaller but more specifically trained models, work better for automatic labeling of in the context of issue tracking?

    Funded active projects:

  • QualAI: Continuous Quality Improvement of AI-based Systems, PRIN 2022
  • FAIR – Future Artificial Intelligence Research, Spoke 6 Symbiotic AI, PNRR

• Emotion and stress recognition using biometric and behavioral data

Investigating whether we can reliably recognize negative emotions by relying on wearable devices. A relevant scenario is the software engineering workplace.

    Funded active projects:

  • DARE – Digital Lifelong Prevention, Spoke 1 Enabling Factors and Technologies for Digital Prevention, PNC.
  • FAIR – Future Artificial Intelligence Research, Spoke 6 Symbiotic AI, PNRR


Engineering AI-enabled software systems

SE for AI, also named as AI engineering, is emerged as a research topic with the aim to build scalable models for AI-enabled systems, starting from prototype models developed by data scientists.

• Collaboration around computational notebooks

Fostering collaboration among data scientists using computational notebooks as a first step towards the transition to the deployment of models as part of a scalable and maintainable system.

    Funded active projects:

  • FAIR – Future Artificial Intelligence Research, Spoke 6 Symbiotic AI, PNRR

• MLOps for healthcare

Enabling the continuous deployment of software components powered by ML, and assuring the quality of both data and models after being deployed online, with a specific focus on healthcare

    Funded active projects:

  • DARE – Digital Lifelong Prevention, Spoke 1 Enabling Factors and Technologies for Digital Prevention, PNC.
  • QualAI: Continuous Quality Improvement of AI-based Systems, PRIN 2022
  • SERICS: SEcurity and RIghts In the CyberSpace, Spoke 9 SuReCare: Secure Remote Healthcare for a Better Future, PNRR
  • FAIR – Future Artificial Intelligence Research, Spoke 6 Symbiotic AI, PNRR


Engineering societal-scale software systems

Discussing the challenge of modeling human behavior.

• Online communities

Predicting how online communities evolve and assist how to build online communities of the future.


Inactive research themes