Studio sulla diffusione delle informazioni in Facebook

Ho letto i risultati di uno studio scientifico condotto su un campione sperimentale di 283 milioni di utenti di Facebook. La pubblicazione e la condivisione dei link di questi utenti è stata monitorata per un paio di mesi. I ricercatori hanno così potuto osservare come la diffusione delle informazioni in Facebook cambia al variare della forza dei legami tra gli utenti.
La conclusione è che gli utenti di Facebook consumano informazioni che provengono prevalentemente da conoscenti (weak ties) piuttosto che da amici stretti (strong ties) e questo favorisce lo scambio di punti di vista diversi.
Qui sotto riporto alcuni passaggi tratti da una nota riassuntiva degli autori dello studio.

We found that people are more likely to share the information they were exposed to by their strong ties than by their weak ties on Facebook.

weak ties have the greatest potential to expose their friends to information that they would not have otherwise discovered.

because of their abundance, weak ties are primarily responsible for the majority of information spread on Facebook.

the bulk of information we consume and share comes from people with different perspectives.

online social networks can serve as an important medium for sharing new perspectives, products and world events.

Is Facebook anti-social?

Questo articolo mi piace e mi ha fatto pensare al collab 🙂 :
Is Facebook anti-social?

Clearly, immersive 3D collaboration technology has failed to live up to the hype of some of its early advocates and visionaries.
At its core, the Facebook experience is a clever amalgamation of voyeurism and narcissism. It’s either all about me or it’s about what I’m going to discover about you. In the old days they called that anti-social. Now we call it being social? Really??
asynchronous collaboration technologies most often associated with social business software are falling short of what’s needed for enterprise collaboration. The technologies are simply inappropriate for the context. Workers need technology that more closely replicates and integrates with how they interact in person. In the end, the technologies best suited for that will likely have much more in common with Xbox Live than with Facebook.

“Workers need technology that more closely replicates and integrates with how they interact in person” ma allora perchè Second Life è stato dimenticato? non era sufficientemente realistico? o forse il problema era la mancanza di struttura..troppa libertà di azione. mentre i videogiochi online sono “structured yet unpredictable”