Anche quest’anno Google finanzierà gli studenti desiderosi di partecipare a progetti Open Source tramite il programma Summer of Code.
Google Summer of Code is a global program that offers student developers stipends to write code for various open source software projects. We have worked with several open source, free software, and technology-related groups to identify and fund several projects over a three month period. Since its inception in 2005, the program has brought together over 4500 successful student participants and over 3000 mentors from over 100 countries worldwide, all for the love of code. Through Google Summer of Code, accepted student applicants are paired with a mentor or mentors from the participating projects, thus gaining exposure to real-world software development scenarios and the opportunity for employment in areas related to their academic pursuits. In turn, the participating projects are able to more easily identify and bring in new developers. Best of all, more source code is created and released for the use and benefit of all.
A partire dal 18 Marzo sarà disponibile la lista dei progetti ai quali si potrà contribuire. Le application da parte degli studenti potranno essere inviate a partire dal 28 Marzo fino all’8 Aprile. Per maggiori dettagli sulle scadenze consultate la timeline completa.
Un consiglio: se decidete di applicare, scegliete un progetto che conoscete o uno strumento che utilizzate; vi aiuterà a rendere più convincente la vostra proposta.