InterSocial Workshop on Online Social Networks

Social Networking as a new Knowledge System: Strategies and Perspectives for the Future

Lecce, 18 October 2013, Via Libertini 1 (ex Conservatorio Sant’Anna)

The Euro-Mediterranean Cultural Heritage Agency


10,00 – 10,30 Meeting InterSocial

10.30-10,45– Welcome and Opening Remarks

10,45-13,00: Session 1: Social Media Marketing for Local SMEs

Chair: Ubaldo Villani-Lubelli

10,45-11,15: Eleftherios, Papachristos (University of Patras): The Introduction of Social Media Tools to Greek SMEs: A Case Study.

11,15-11,45: Novielli, Nicole (University of Bari, Italy): The ESA Tool for Enhancing Local SMEs

11,45– 12,00 Coffee break (Gelateria South, Via Libertini)

12,00-12,30:Ioannidis, Ioannis (University of Patras, Greece): SONETA a Tool for Supporting SMEs Social Presence

12,30-13,00: Ruggio, Luisa (InCim@ Social Network Strategy, Lecce): How to Promote Cultural Heritage through the Social Network

Lunch Break

13.00 – 14.30

14,30-16,20: Session 2: Social Networking: Strategies and Practices

Chair: Ubaldo Villani-Lubelli

14,30-14,50: Pitoura, Evaggelia (University of Ioannina, Greece): How People Describe Themselves on Twitter

14,50-15,10: Kotrotsios, Ioannis (University of Ioannina, Greece): Analyzing FourSquare Tips

15,10-15,30: De Vitis, Loredana (Writer): An Artistic Strategy in Working with Words: How I Narrate through the Web

15,30-15,50: Beccarisi, Massimiliano (Woodworker): The Role of Social Newtworks in the Promotion of a Wood Artisan

15,50-16,10: Carparelli, Mario (Philosopher): The “Unknown Philosopher” Giulio Cesare Vanini (1585-1619) and His Official Facebook Fan Page

16,10-16,45: Coffee Break

16,45-17,45: Session 3 : Intersocial Tools

Chair: Ubaldo Villani-Lubelli

16,45-17,15: Novielli, Nicole (University of Bari, Italy): Trust Building in Customer-Supplier Relationships: an Empirical Study

17,15-17,45: Kotrotsios, Ioannis (Univerity of Ioannina, Greece): The InterSocial Monitoring Tool