Internet of Things: chi ci scommette?

…la Cina! Interessante articolo a riguardo:

Social data is set to be surpassed in the data economy, though, by data published by physical, real-world objects like sensors, smart grids and connected devices. The United States may have dominated the first basic and the second social stage of the Web, but the Chinese government is moving quickly to make China the world leader in this next stage, the Internet of Things. A major new public/private partnership in Chongqing aimed explicitely at the Internet of Things is just the latest signal.


SWAP 2007 @ Uniba

Durante il corso di Sistemi per la collaborazione in rete, alcuni studenti hanno espresso l’interesse nel partecipare a SWAP 2007 (Semantic Web Applications and Perspectives), il workshop sul semantic web che si terrà presso Uniba dal 18 al 20 dicembre.

Nonostante il termine ultimo per la registrazione on-line sia ormai passato, gli studenti interessati sappiano che è possibile la registrazione on-site, pagando in contante 20€. Tale somma copre l’accesso a tutte le sessioni e i tutorial del workshop, inclusi i coffee break.

I piu’ veloci di voi riceveranno anche, come gadget, la copia cartacea dei proceeding (dovreste sapere cosa sono ormai…) e una borsa (disponibili fino a esaurimento scorte).

Scenari di SWS


The aim of the SWS Challenge is to provide a test bed for applying Semantic Web Service technology to a set of realistic and working Web Services. This test bed serves as well as a benchmark between different approaches, since it provides some objective success criteria for a semantic technology.
Currently this test bed consists of 2 complementary scenarios: mediation and discovery. In order to make the test bed more comprehensive we want to encourage the submission of new scenarios that will be hosted on To keep a certain level of quality we define a set of conditions you must fulfill: