Questa volta sono le applicazioni sw al centro degli interventi. Da InformationWeek:

They might not be able to pick up rubble and carry away bodies, but software developers and tech-savvy individuals around the world are beginning to organize to help with the Haiti relief effort.
Among those taking the lead is a grassroots effort called the CrisisCommons, which hosted several hastily organized events last weekend in several cities where developers and others came together to, among other things, layer current information on collaborative maps of Haiti and develop a Craigslist-style online exchange to identify and solve relief needs on the ground.

The goal, CrisisCommons co-founder Noel Dickover said in an interview, is to provide NGOs and others in Haiti with better information and improved situational awareness with help from a volunteer army of geeks. “We can have a real impact as NGOs get on the ground,” he said. “If we can improve situational awareness and information sharing, we can help NGOs have better performance across the board.”

Il resto qui

Cosa fanno gli informatici per Haiti
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3 thoughts on “Cosa fanno gli informatici per Haiti

  • 22 February 2010 at 18:04

    Mannaggia. Mi sono accorto solo ora che il commento precedente era in attesa nella coda antispam. Chiedo scusa a Pasquale.

  • 4 March 2010 at 10:19

    Stanno cercando un Python Developer:

    Python Developer to support Sahana Haiti Food Request Portal

    The Sahana Software Foundation is looking for a developer to support its
    Food Request Portal deployed to support the Food Cluster and the World
    Food Programme in Haiti. This is a full-time position and requires
    full-time availability (8 hours per day Monday through Friday,
    and ability to be reachable during working hours in Haiti which is 1300
    UTC until 0100 UTC). The main responsibility will be to support the
    evolving requirements of the Food Cluster and the production, test and
    development environments of this deployment. But one of the goals of
    this effort will also be to move the FRP branch back into the trunk such
    that the enhancements and features will become regular components of the
    core SahanaPy project.

    Skills/Experience required: python/web2py with good UI/UX skills, an
    understanding of MySql, OpenLayers, KML approaches, experience with
    release management, coordinating QA & UAT testing, systems
    administration. Knowledge of SahanaPy a plus.

    Candidates must be available to start no later than 15 March (the
    earlier is better). The full-time effort will run through the end of
    May 2010, followed by an additional part-time support effort of 40 hours
    (5 days) for the month of June 2010.

    Interested persons should send a current CV to me at as soon as possible.



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