The role of emotions in the social programmer ecosystem
The project aims at leveraging machine learning and natural language processing to mine developers’ emotions from communication traces in the social coding platforms. Contributions include:
- EmoTxt: a toolkit for emotion recognition from text
- Senti4SD: a classifier specifically trained to support sentiment analysis in developers’ communication channels
- A Gold Standard for emotion annotation in Stack Overflow
- Anger direction dataset
- Software Engineering Arousal (SEA) Lexicon
Personality detection
Software is the results of the effort of very many developers, each having their own personality. Hence, understanding developers’ personality variations can help explain some of the intricacies of software development. Among personality traits, trust takes the spotlight, being a factor that can determine the success or failure of distributed software teams. We automatically extract personality profiles from developers’ communication traces.
Success factors in online creative communities
We aim to identify the fundamental resemblances and differences between open source software (OSS) communities and creative arts communities, building a better user experience and cohesion within the community that could lead to better artifacts. Contributions include scrapers and datasets from songwriting online communities.
Knowledge sharing in Q&A sites
The success of community-based question-and-answer (Q&A) sites depends mainly on the will of their members to answer others’ questions. We investigate how information seekers can increase the chance of getting help by focusing on actionable factors. Contributions include:
- QAvMentor: a virtual mentor service and (Chrome) plugin for Stack Overflow
- Best answer prediction: Dataset, scripts, and additional material for best answer prediction in technical Q&A sites
EmoQuest: Investigating the Role of Emotions in Online Question & Answer Sites
The project is funded by the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR) under the program Scientific Independence of young Researchers (SIR).
Information fragmentation and overload for DevOps
Today, an ever-growing plethora of development tools provide a continual stream of updates and place DevOps staff into a situation of information fragmentation and overload. We investigate how a loosely-coupled integration of tools and chatbots can cope with these issues while also increasing situational awareness.
C3 – Creative Cultural Collaboration
Funded by Apulian Region under the Innonetwork programme, POR Puglia 2014-2020.
E-SHELF: Electronic Shopping & Home delivery of Edible goods with Low environmental Footprint
Funded by Apulian Region under the Innonetwork programme, POR Puglia 2014-2020.
OpEnUp: Open up entrepreneurship
Funded in the framework of the Erasmus+, Key Action 2 Strategic Partnerships. The project aims at implementing an Open E-Module and Laboratory for cultivating entrepreneurship mindset and economic thinking in the digital world.
DSE: Digital Services Ecosystem
Funded as PON03PE_00136_1 by MIUR under the PON&RC 2007-2013 programme.
SocialCDE: Augmenting Social Awareness in a Collaborative Development Environment
SocialCDE (formerly SocialTFS) is a project that aims to extend Collaborative Development Environments (aka, ALM – Application Lifecycle Management) to provide members of a global software team with information from Enterprise 2.0 applications, such as professional social networks (e.g., LinkedIn), corporate microblogging (e.g., StatusNet, Yammer), as well as popular social networks (e.g., Facebook, Twitter). So far, two CDEs are supported: Microsoft Team Foundation Server and GitHub. Two clients are available as a plugin of MS Visual Studio and Eclipse
The project has got the Software Engineering Innovation Foundation Award from Microsoft Research (2011).
Real-Time Machine Translation for Software Development Teams
In partnership with Rafael Prikladnicki, PUCRS (Porto Alegre), and Tayana Conte, UFAM (Manaus), Brazil
InterSocial: Unleashing the Power of Social Networking for Enhancing Regional SMEs.
The project was funded by the European Territorial Cooperation Operational Programme “Greece-Italy” 2007-2013.
Within the project, we developed the Enterprise Social Aggregator (closed down), which aims to put together all the information about an SME, including both information that an SME is directly posting and what customers say about the SME on social networks. Mobile ESA (closed down) is an extension of the Enterprise Social Aggregator (ESA) project, which exploits mobile technologies to put together all the information about an SME, including both information that an SME is directly posting and what customers say about the SME on social networks.
VINCENTE: A Virtual collective INtelligenCe ENvironment to develop sustainable Technology Entrepreneurship ecosystems
Funded as PON02_00563_3470933 by MIUR under the PON&RC 2007-2013 programme
The project was funded by the Apulian ICT Living Labs (2014-2015)
The project was funded by the Apulian ICT Living Labs (2013-2014)
Computer-mediated communication in global software engineering
In partnership with Daniela Damian, University of Victoria, Canada.
We had the opportunity to run contolled experiments based on IBIS (closed down) – Internet Based Inspection System – a web-based tool that aims to support geographically dispersed inspection teams. Based on findings from empirical studies of software inspections, the IBIS tool adopts a reengineered inspection process to minimize synchronous activities and coordination problems.
METAMORPHOS: MEthods and Tools for migrAting software systeMs towards web and service Oriented aRchitectures: exPerimental evaluation, usability, and tecHnOlogy tranSfer
A national research project with the goal ito facilitate industry in the selection and the adoption of reverse engineering and reengineering techniques and tools that support migration towards the Web and towards wireless environments. In partnership with Università degli Studi di Salerno, Università degli Studi del Sannio, and Politecnico di Torino. We focused specifically on inspection techniques for assessing the quality of migrated information systems.
Funded by the MIUR under the PRIN programme.
Penelope Application Framework
A storytest-driven application framework for Eclipse RCP applications/plugins. The framework is named Penelope because of its ability to weave parts together, thanks to the usage of aspect-oriented programming which makes it possible to remove the dependency between the client and the container.
The project has got the IBM Faculty Award in the 2008 competition.
eConference over ECF
eConference is a text-conferencing tool whose aim is to support ad hoc distributed teams that need to collaborate remotely. The extension based on the Eclipse Communication Framework (ECF) got the IBM Eclipse Innovation Award in the 2006 competition. As of ver. 4, eConference also supports audio-based conferencing through Skype. We also developed a number of plugins::
eConference MT (closed down) enables real-time machine translation of text messages exchanged during 1-1 or 1-M communication;
eConference3P (closed down) is an eConference extension created for a distributed agile development team that wants to use Planning Poker for User Stories estimation.
eConference AP (closed down) is a card-based planning tool for co-located & distributed agile teams. It is best used together with eConference3P, in order to visually edit user stories to be estimated.
Environmental Information Broker
Development of an information broker to provide a seamless and integrated access to heterogeneous databases, which contain hydro-meteorological and cartographic information of Italy, ensuring, at the same time, the existing legacy applications that operates on them to continue operating autonomously, without undergoing any sort of modification.
In partnership with ISPRA: National Institute for the Protection and Environmental Research (ex APAT).
Migration of legacy hydrology simulation models to the OpenMI environment (European Open Modelling Interface), a research project funded by the European Commission aiming at simplifying the linking of heterogeneous hydrology models.
In partnership with CNR – Istituto di Ricerca Sulle Acque.
Critical factors for the individual analysis of software artifacts
In partnership with Marcus Ciolkowski, University of Kaiserslautern, and Christian Denger, Fraunhofer IESE, Germany