Forse qualcuno sa già che il 17 e 18 Novembre il nostro Dipartimento ospiterà Eclipse-IT 2008: 3rd Italian Workshop on Eclipse Technologies.
Magari qualcuno non sa che ci sarà una sezione dedicata a plugin e applicazioni sviluppate da studenti. Se volete saperne di più leggete il Call for Demo. I lavori presentati saranno premiati con la partecipazione gratuita a tutte le attività del workshoop, cena inclusa. E’ previsto anche un premio. La scadenza per la sottomissione delle proposte di demo è il 14 ottobre.
Mai letto First Monday?
First Monday is one of the first free, openly accessible, peer–reviewed journals on the Internet, solely devoted to the Internet.
First Monday pubblica articoli molto interessanti e spesso utili. Un esempio: Key differences between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 by Graham Cormode, Balachander Krishnamurthy.
Enjoy it.
Penelope e’ nata!
Penelope is an Aspect-based framework for enhancing Eclipse RCP applications. It leverages several 3rd party products like Equinox Aspects and Guice/Peaberry and aims to provide a way for creating component-based RCP applications using test-driven-approach.
Ma soprattutto è … Made In Collab!!! Maggiori dettagli li trovate qui. Speriamo che cresca bene 😀
Edit: E c’ha pure il logo 😛
o meglio Project Zero
E’ un framework IBM per applicazioni Ajax e REST. E’ disponibile come plugin di Eclipse (l’IDE). Qualcuno l’ha mai usato? Mi interessano opinioni possibilmente basate su esperienze dirette ma anche su letture.
Tagging e Trac
Chi ha seguito quest’anno il corso di Sistemi per la Collaborazione in Rete ha già avuto modo di scoprire i sistemi di collaborative tagging e Trac.
Forse però non conoscete TagsPlugin, un plugin di Trac per aggiungere liberamente metadati alle pagine wiki e ai ticket.
… Trac Hacks itself makes extensive use of tagging and is a good example of their use. Also, see for an example of how Alec uses ListTagged to query tickets.
Le estensioni di FF che causano crash e memory leak
Sempre in conflitto tra incrementare il livello di personalizzazione del mio browser e combattere l'(ab)uso e lo sfruttamento indiscriminato di RAM, ecco un’altra lista con alcune delle estensioni più usate di Firefox, note anche per causare crash e spreco di memoria.
- Adblock
Issue: Has been known to crash Firefox when trying to use Gmail Chat.
Fix: None available right now. It’s recommended that the extension be removed if you use Gmail Chat. - All-in-One Gestures
Issue: Can cause Firefox to crash, and conflicts with the inline spellchecker on Linux and OS X.
Fix: None available right now. It’s recommended that the extension be removed if you’re using Linux or OS X. - Fasterfox
Issue: Can interfere with website access, and problems may continue even if Fasterfox is removed.
Fix: Reset the defaults or start with a new profile in Firefox. Also make sure that you have prefetching disabled in the extension. - Firebug
Issue: Causes excessive CPU usage
Fix: Disable Firebug when it’s not being used, or create a separate profile to use it in. - ForecastFox
Issue: Memory leaks due to satellite imagery.
Fix: It’s recommended that the extension be removed, or you can install an older version without the satellite imagery. - Google Browser Sync
Issue: Causes excessive CPU usage with GIF animations.
Fix: None available right now. It’s recommended that the extension be removed. - Google Web Accelerator
Issue: Crashes Firefox when closing the browser.
Fix: None available right now. It’s recommended that the extension be removed. - IE Tab
Issue: Memory leaks
Fix: It’s recommended that the extension be removed, or you can install IE View Lite as an alternative. - Loki
Issue: Memory leaks
Fix: None available right now. It’s recommended that the extension be removed. - Media Player Connectivity
Issue: Causes Unresponsive Script Warnings
Fix: None available right now. It’s recommended that the extension be removed. - Mouseless Browsing
Issue: Causes excessive CPU usage
Fix: None available right now. It’s recommended that the extension be removed. - SessionSaver
Issue: Memory leaks
Fix: Use Session Manager instead. - Tabbrowser Extensions (TBE)
Issue: Slows down Firefox, conflicts with other extensions, and can stop Firefox from working.
Fix: It’s recommended that the extension be removed, or you can install Tab Mix Plus instead.
Top 10: Must-have Firefox extensions
Top 10: Must-have Firefox extensions – Lifehacker
If ever a software application was built to be more than itself, it’s Mozilla Firefox. Over the past 2 years we’ve tried, loved and posted dozens of feature-adding extensions for our favorite web browser. But today we have the master, grand daddy list of 10 must-haves.
Narrowing the huge field of available add-ons down to the ten best was quite a challenge. Your Firefox extension choices have everything to do with your needs, but the ten add-ons you’ll find in the following pages are highly-evolved, robust and have proven their usefulness over and over.
Click on the link to start from number 10 and work up; or click on any thumbnail to go directly to an individual pick.
View Lifehacker’s Top 10 Must-have Firefox Extensions >>
Non è proprio la mia classifica delle estensioni per FF (ammetto di averne qualcuna in piu’ di 10 io…), pero’ molte sono utili