Le estensioni di FF che causano crash e memory leak

Sempre in conflitto tra incrementare il livello di personalizzazione del mio browser e combattere l'(ab)uso e lo sfruttamento indiscriminato di RAM, ecco un’altra lista con alcune delle estensioni più usate di Firefox, note anche per causare crash e spreco di memoria.

  • Adblock
    Issue: Has been known to crash Firefox when trying to use Gmail Chat.
    Fix: None available right now. It’s recommended that the extension be removed if you use Gmail Chat.
  • All-in-One Gestures
    Issue: Can cause Firefox to crash, and conflicts with the inline spellchecker on Linux and OS X.
    Fix: None available right now. It’s recommended that the extension be removed if you’re using Linux or OS X.
  • Fasterfox
    Issue: Can interfere with website access, and problems may continue even if Fasterfox is removed.
    Fix: Reset the defaults or start with a new profile in Firefox. Also make sure that you have prefetching disabled in the extension.
  • Firebug
    Issue: Causes excessive CPU usage
    Fix: Disable Firebug when it’s not being used, or create a separate profile to use it in.
  • ForecastFox
    Issue: Memory leaks due to satellite imagery.
    Fix: It’s recommended that the extension be removed, or you can install an older version without the satellite imagery.
  • Google Browser Sync
    Issue: Causes excessive CPU usage with GIF animations.
    Fix: None available right now. It’s recommended that the extension be removed.
  • Google Web Accelerator
    Issue: Crashes Firefox when closing the browser.
    Fix: None available right now. It’s recommended that the extension be removed.
  • IE Tab
    Issue: Memory leaks
    Fix: It’s recommended that the extension be removed, or you can install IE View Lite as an alternative.
  • Loki
    Issue: Memory leaks
    Fix: None available right now. It’s recommended that the extension be removed.
  • Media Player Connectivity
    Issue: Causes Unresponsive Script Warnings
    Fix: None available right now. It’s recommended that the extension be removed.
  • Mouseless Browsing
    Issue: Causes excessive CPU usage
    Fix: None available right now. It’s recommended that the extension be removed.
  • SessionSaver
    Issue: Memory leaks
    Fix: Use Session Manager instead.
  • Tabbrowser Extensions (TBE)
    Issue: Slows down Firefox, conflicts with other extensions, and can stop Firefox from working.
    Fix: It’s recommended that the extension be removed, or you can install Tab Mix Plus instead.

fonte: cybernetnews.com

Chi vuole adottare Thunderbird?

Mozilla Foundation vuole estromettere TB per impegnarsi solo ed esclusivamente su Firefox.

While the Mozilla Foundation supports a number of projects, its taxable
subsidiary the Mozilla Corporation is responsible for only Firefox and
Thunderbird. However, it has become increasingly clear that Firefox is
the priority. The resources allocated to Firefox dwarf those allocated
to Thunderbird and recent projects such as the initiative to improve Mozilla support exclude Thunderbird.

Ormai non è più un mio problema, da quando ho effettuato la migrazione a ritroso da TB ad Outlook (ero stanco di vedere le mie email svanire nel nulla…)

Il prof nella Top10 di “Vota il prof”…

Che lecchini (leggi pbolo), io non l’ho votato…

1. Giorgio Rampa    
2. Luciano Feo    
3. Lanubile Filippo    
4. Massimiliano De Iuliis    
5. Salvatore Sortino    
6. Giovambattista Presti    
7. massimiliano deiuliis    
8. Dario Bruneo    
9. Andrea D’angelo    
10. Vittorio Romano

Non c’è invece nessuno da uniba nella flop10…

Potete votare qui: http://www.votailprof.it/jvp/

La web history di Google

Non sapevo dell’esistenza di questo servizio di Google, fatto sta che oggi casualmente ho letto la seguente notizia sul blog di Google:

Today, we’re pleased to announce the launch of Web History, a new feature for Google Account users that makes it easy to view and search across the pages you’ve visited. If you remember seeing something online, you’ll be able to find it faster and from any computer with Web History. Web History lets you look back in time, revisit the sites you’ve browsed, and search over the full text of pages you’ve seen. It’s your slice of the web, at your fingertips.

How does Web History work? All you need is a Google Account and the Google Toolbar with PageRank enabled. The Toolbar, as part of your browser, helps us associate the pages you visit with your Google Account. If you’re currently a Search History user, you’ll notice that we’ve renamed Search History to Web History to reflect this new functionality. To sign up for Web History, visit http://www.google.com/history.

poi sono andata sul mio account di Google e mi sono accorta che avevo tale servizio (attualmente in versione beta) attivo, e visto che ho il brutto vizio di rimanere sempre loggata, sia sul portatile che a casa, ora mi trovo tutte le ricerche effettuate anche da mio fratello e mia sorella…non volendo sono diventata “spiona”…

Comunque il servizio mi sembra davvero utile, anche se a questo punto bisogna controllare di essere autenticati con il proprio account di Google se si vuole memorizzare la web history, di non essere autenticati se non si vuole memorizzare la web history, e soprattutto di disconnettersi dall’account se il computer non è di uso personale, altrimenti capita quello che è successo a me e ti ritrovi memorizzate anche ricerche che non hai fatto tu!

Top 10: Must-have Firefox extensions

Top 10: Must-have Firefox extensions – Lifehacker

If ever a software application was built to be more than itself, it’s Mozilla Firefox. Over the past 2 years we’ve tried, loved and posted dozens of feature-adding extensions for our favorite web browser. But today we have the master, grand daddy list of 10 must-haves.

Narrowing the huge field of available add-ons down to the ten best was quite a challenge. Your Firefox extension choices have everything to do with your needs, but the ten add-ons you’ll find in the following pages are highly-evolved, robust and have proven their usefulness over and over.

Click on the link to start from number 10 and work up; or click on any thumbnail to go directly to an individual pick.
View Lifehacker’s Top 10 Must-have Firefox Extensions >>

Non è proprio la mia classifica delle estensioni per FF (ammetto di averne qualcuna in piu’ di 10 io…), pero’ molte sono utili


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