Ovvero come contribuire all’evoluzione della nostra specie autoeliminandosi!
Named in honor of Charles Darwin, the father of evolution, The Darwin Awards salute the improvement of the human genome by honoring those who accidentally remove themselves from it.
Ce ne sono di pazzeschi, spesso causati da un infausto connubio di testosterone + alcol! Uno dei mie preferiti:
(November 1997, Pennsylvania) Wayne Roth, 38, of Pittston, was bitten by a cobra belonging to his friend, Roger Croteau, after playfully reaching into the tank and picking up the snake. Wayne subsequently refused to go to a hospital, telling Roger, “I’m a man, I can handle it.”
Falser words have seldom been spoken. Instead of a hospital, Wayne reported to a bar. He had three drinks, and enjoyed bragging that he had just been bitten by a cobra. Cobra venom is a slow-acting central nervous system toxin. He died within a few hours, in Jenkins Township, Pennsylvania.