IM 2.0

Dal blog di hyperstruct:

I have released a developer preview of xmpp4moz.

A friend who has followed its progress closely, said that he is “dreaming of IM2.0 every day”. That made me think.

There have been many attempts at capturing the essence of “Web2.0”. Social networks? Open APIs? AJAX? To me, it comes down to realizing that, with a web server at the other end of the wire, nothing limits you to the “browsing” application—you can have the “publish” application, the “bookmarks” application, the “share” application…—and to technology being available, through which anyone can create something and add to that list.

Realizing that when there is a person at the other end you are not limited to the “chat” application, but you can go anywhere from scribbling notes to flying together over a map, and that technology allows anyone to do more of this and do it now, I think we are beginning a very, very interesting journey.

Veramente interessante questa integrazione di XMPP con Mozilla…guardate il video della dimostrazione.

Tra l’altro nella pagina del progetto xmpp4moz ci mettono tra i related groups. Forse perchè li citiamo nella pagina delle tesi?

Il Google del futuro

Ho visto un servizio a Neapolis…e poi ci ho fatto un giretto, si chiama SearchMash…
il nuovo progetto di google sul futuro motore di ricerca.
Spicca un utilizzo massiccio di Ajax, e il mash dovrebbe derivare dal fatto che è un mix tra Google web & Google immagini.
La cosa + “cool” (censored) è che puoi riordinarti i risultati con il drag & drop:)))
search mash

dal sito:

About SearchMash

SearchMash lets you search the internet in new ways. It is constantly evolving as we come up with ideas and figure out what works and what doesn’t. Check out our features page from time to time to see what has changed, and also to tell us which ones are useful to you. Please bear with us when the site is unavailable as we are limiting its use.


da InfoSpaces:

As I wrote in my preliminary post about FaceTag, this project is actually quite unique in its kind.I think about it as a sort of bridge between emergent and traditional classification tools. A mixed sauce that aims to smoothen both the limits of controlled vocabularies and of plain folksonomies.

The feedback that we got at the EuroIA was quite positive. I saw a lot of people interested, asking about further developments and the possibility to play with the tool.

This morning we published the slides that we used at the EuroIA and the revised paper with screenshots embedded. You are encouraged to download them and to let us know your comments, critics and suggestions.

We are no more the only ones with a similar vision in mind: Marti Hearst should be working on something related and I’m pleased to notice that librarians are evaluating similar approaches as well, comparing ontologies and thesauries to folksonomies. Have a look at the abstracts for the SIG/CR Workshop in Texas or to the call for papers for the next ASIS&T Annual Meeting.

It’s a little bit sad admitting that librarians are quickly catching up while information architects are still discussing about the usefulness of folksonomies.

I’m more for a pragmatical approach. That’s why we proposed a tool, not only a paper. That same tool is now in alpha and it will be soon opened to information architects to test its usefulness for their everyday tasks.

per me molto interessante…non so per voi;)

Vista, rivelata la data di lancio

E’ il 5 dicembre 2006.

Microsoft has revealed a general release date for its upcoming operating system Vista – 5 December, 2006. Speaking to IT professionals, parliamentarians and senior law-enforcement officers at the Parliament and Internet conference in London on Thursday, Microsoft revealed its release plans. “We will officially launch Vista, Microsoft Office 2007 and Exchange 2007 on 5 December,” said David Hipwell, a Windows client sales professional at Microsoft. On a very, very related note, the EC says that Vista will not be delayed due to regulatory issues. Also, the Shell: Revealed weblog has an item explaining why Aero Basic looks the way it looks.

da OSNews

e pensare che Domenico è passato solo due giorni fa a XP…

L’ultima di “Yahoo 2.0

Yahoo Time capsule

da downloadblog:

si tratta di una sorta di capsula dei ricordi dove chiunque può partecipare lasciando un proprio messaggio o una foto.

I messaggi lasciati saranno poi approvati da Yahoo! ed inseriti in una apposita “sezione” caratterizzata da un particolare stato d’animo. Sarà possibile quindi navigare nell’odio, la tristezza ma anche nella gioia e nella bellezza. Come dicevo tutti possono partecipare al progetto TimeCapsule, a patto però che il materiale sia inviato entro e non oltre l’8 di Novembre, inoltre a chi parteciperà verrà richiesto di proporre una possibile suddivisione di 100.000 dollari ad 8 organizzazioni benefiche internazionali.

Condividere le presentazioni sul web


da rashmi-sinha:

The process of sharing slides is broken. It goes from my hard drive to yours via email. Or if I put it online, its in a clunky format like pdf or Powerpoint that you need to download.

Slideshare solves that problem. It webifies your slides – it makes the experience of viewing them, sharing them with individuals or groups smooth and seamless. You can upload your slides from Powerpoint or OpenOffice (Keynote users will have to save in Powerpoint format for the time being) and Slideshare will render them like this here. You can tag, comment and most of all embed your presentations into your blog or website like this one below.

per adesso è ancora “invite only” ma gli inviti si possono chiedere formalmente…


Rebuilding Microsoft

Un bell’articolo di WIRED Magazine sull’ascesa di Ray Ozzie (il papà di Lotus e Groove) in Microsoft e su come la compagnia di Redmond stia cambiando da quando Bill Gates gli ha ceduto il testimone.

There are, of course, two major reasons for Ozzie’s ascendancy at Microsoft: Gates and Ballmer. Ozzie is one of the few technologists anywhere whom they respect; they’d been trying for years to get him to join the company. Now he’s carrying their hopes for the future, and it’s a heavy load. Ozzie needs to move Microsoft from selling software in a box to selling lightning-fast, powerful online applications ranging from gaming to spreadsheets. The risks are enormous. The mission is to radically alter the way the company sells its most profitable software and to pursue the great unknown of so-called Web services – trading an old cash cow for an as-yet-to-be-determined cash cow. No, Microsoft doesn’t think its customers will stop using PCs with hard drives and work entirely online, but the desktop era is drawing to a close, and that promises to force some painful trade-offs.
