Speaker: Dr. Nelly Condori Fernandez, VU University Amsterdam
Titolo: Sustainability and service quality assurance in context-aware software systems
Quando: Lunedi 10 Ottobre ore 11,30
Dove: Sala Consiglio, VII Piano, Dipartimento di Informatica
Context-aware computing and associated technologies are becoming part of daily life. In fact, context-aware computing is considered to be a game-changing opportunity for enterprises to improve both productivity and profits. However, this positive economic growth will also bring a number of issues related to social sustainability (e.g. perceived enjoyment).
Given that evidence has corroborated that feelings and emotions dictate to a large extent our actions and decisions, sustainability of context aware systems is approached from the perspective of one of its ingredients, namely social acceptance. In this talk, first I will present a software sustainability model. Then I will introduce the idea of exploiting the emotional information as a key element in Quality of Service (QoS) assurance frameworks, by adjusting service quality levels that contribute to socio-technical sustainability at run-time. The idea builds on the strength of recent technological advances in emotion measurement tools, non-obtrusive and ubiquitous monitoring technology.
Short bio
Nelly Condori Fernandez is a researcher of the VU University Amsterdam. Her research interest includes software measurement, service-oriented requirements engineering, empirical software engineering, software testing, and social sustainability. She has been involved in several European projects like FITTEST, EFRASYS and ICEBERG. Besides, She serves as reviewer for the Journal of Systems and Software, Information and Software Technology, and Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, as well as in program committees of various international conferences (e.g. ESEM, SEKE, QUATIC, REFSQ). She is the co-organizer of the 3th International workshop on Measurement and Metrics for Green and Sustainable Software (MEGSUS 2016).