Top 10: Must-have Firefox extensions – Lifehacker
If ever a software application was built to be more than itself, it’s Mozilla Firefox. Over the past 2 years we’ve tried, loved and posted dozens of feature-adding extensions for our favorite web browser. But today we have the master, grand daddy list of 10 must-haves.
Narrowing the huge field of available add-ons down to the ten best was quite a challenge. Your Firefox extension choices have everything to do with your needs, but the ten add-ons you’ll find in the following pages are highly-evolved, robust and have proven their usefulness over and over.
Click on the link to start from number 10 and work up; or click on any thumbnail to go directly to an individual pick.
View Lifehacker’s Top 10 Must-have Firefox Extensions >>
Non รจ proprio la mia classifica delle estensioni per FF (ammetto di averne qualcuna in piu’ di 10 io…), pero’ molte sono utili
Non mi interessa nessuno di quei plugin. Posso ritirare il voto?
La lista dei plugin di cui non riesco + a fare a meno:
Copy Plain Text, ErrorZilla, FasterFox, IE Tab, Mouse Gestures, QuickRestart, ShowIP, Tab Catalog, TorButton, User Agent Switcher, CustomizeGoogle, DownThemAll. Poi vi consiglio anche il programmino MozBackup ๐ Provare per credere.
fabiolino ne avrร almeno 20 di plugin ๐
della lista ne uso solo 4.
Firebug รจ stupendo ๐
solo 20?!? Magari!
39 abilitate + altre 13 installate ma non attive … ๐