Nicole Novielli, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
University of Bari “A. Moro”
Collaborative Development Group
Via Orabona, 4
70125 – Bari, Italy

Nicole Novielli is an Associate Professor at the University of Bari, Italy. Her expertise is in Affective Computing. Since 2006, her research is on human factors and emotions in natural language interaction. She is a member of the COLLAB research group, whose research is in Software Engineering and Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, with focus on collaborative software development. She is involved in the Italian AI PhD program (AI & Società)
Further Information
- Research Interests
- Research Projects
- Publications
- Dataset and Tools
- Professional Service
- Education and Background
- Teaching
Research Interests
- Affective Computing
- Natural Language Processing
- Software Engineering
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Human Aspects in Software Engineering
- Sentiment Analysis and Emotion Mining
- Multimodal Emotion Recognition
- Social Media and Online Communities
- Natural Dialogue Simulation and Analysis
Research Projects
- EmoQuest (Principal Investigator) – “Investigating the Role of Emotions in Online Question & Answer Sites”. The project was funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research under the program “SIR – Scientific Independence of young Researchers” (Bando SIR 2014)
- EMPATHY – “Empowering People in Dealing with Internet of Things Ecosystems” (Bando PRIN 2017). She is the coordinator of the Research Unit of the University of Bari.
- FAIR – “Future Artificial Intelligence Research” . She is the Co-PI del WP 1 dello Spoke 6: Symbiotic AI, Università degli Studi di Bari. Progetto finanziato dal Mur nell’ambito dell’Azione 1.3, “Creazione di “Partenariati estesi alle università, ai centri di ricerca, alle aziende per il finanziamento di progetti di ricerca di base”, (Decreto Direttoriale n. 341 del 15 marzo 2022)
- QualAI (Principal Investigator) – “Continuous Quality Improvement of AI-based Systems”. The project was funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research under the program PRIN 2022
Datasets and Tools
- EMTk, the emotion-mining toolkit that comprises the following software and manually annotated gold standard for emotion and polarity:
- EmoTxt: a toolkit for emotion recognition from text, trained and tested on a gold standard of about 9K question, answers, and comments from online interactions [Tool][Paper]
- Senti4SD: a classifier specifically trained to support sentiment analysis in developers’ communication channels [Tool and Dataset] [Paper]
- QAvMentor: a virtual mentor service and (Chrome) plugin for Stack Overflow
- A Gold Standard for Emotion Annotation in Stack Overflow. [Dataset][Paper]
- Anger and Its Direction in Collaborative Software Development [Dataset] [Paper]
- SEA: A Lexicon for Emotional Arousal in Software Engineering. [Lexicon] [Paper]
- RESTful API to retrieve approx user reputation on Stack Overflow
- SENTIPOLC (SENTIment POLarity Classification) of Italian Tweets [Dataset] [Paper]
- Q&A Best-Answer Prediction Dataset (ESEM’16)
Education and Background
- Senior Research assistant at the CDG, Collaborative Development Group, Department of Informatics, University of Bari.
- Research assistant at the Intelligent Interfaces research group, Department of Informatics, University of Bari.
- Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Bari (May 2010). Thesis on “Lexical Semantics of Dialogue Acts” (advisor dr. C. Strapparava)
- Master’s degree in ‘Computer Science – Knowldege and Software Engineering’ (Sept. 2006) – University of Bari, Italy (full marks and honours)
- Bachelor’s degree in ‘Computer Science’ (Jul. 2004) – University of Bari (full marks and honours)
- Visiting researcher at the University of Southern California (USA) – Institute for Creative Technologies (Jul-Sept 2007)
- Visiting researcher at the University of Aberdeen (UK) Department of Computing Science, NLG group (Oct 2007-Dec 2007)
- Visiting researcher at FBK-irst Trento (Italy) – HLT Division (several periods from Feb 2007 to Nov 2010)
I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science in May 2010 from the University of Bari discussing a thesis on ‘Lexical Semantics of Dialogue Acts’ (advisor Dr. Carlo Strapparava). The thesis project started in January 2007 as a follow-up of the research experience in the Humaine EU project, under the supervision of Prof. Fiorella de Rosis and has been conducted in cooperation with the Human-Language Technologies division of the Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK-irst) in Trento. The work developed in the Ph.D. thesis falls under the fields of Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Affective Computing.
In Sept. 2006 I received a Master’s degree in ‘Computer Science – Software and Knowledge Engineering’, University of Bari, Italy with full marks and honours (Advisor Prof. F. de Rosis, thesis title “Automatic Recognition of Affective States in Natural Language Dialogs”). The thesis was developed in cooperation with the Institut für Informatik, University of Erlangen (Dr. A. Batliner), in the scope of the Humaine EU project.
In Jul. 2004 I received my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, University of Bari (full marks and honours), Advisor Prof. F. de Rosis Thesis title “A Markup Language for Annotating Affective States in Persuasion Dialogs”. The thesis has been developed in the scope of the SOCRATES Program, at the University of Liverpool, Dept. of Computer Science, under the supervision of Dr. Floriana Grasso.
Teaching (in Italian)
- A. Y. 2023/24 – ‘Sentiment Analysis’, Laurea Magistrale in Data Science [Programma]
- A. Y. 2023/24 – ‘Reti di Calcolatori’, ITPS, Corso B (M-Z) [Programma]
- A. Y. 2022/23 – ‘Sentiment Analysis’, Laurea Magistrale in Data Science [Programma]
- A. Y. 2022/23 – ‘Reti di Calcolatori’, ITPS, Corso B (M-Z) [Programma]
- A. Y. 2021/22 – ‘Sentiment Analysis’, Laurea Magistrale in Data Science
- A. Y. 2021/22 – ‘Reti di Calcolatori’, ITPS, Corso B (M-Z)
- A. Y. 2020/21 – ‘Sentiment Analysis’, Laurea Magistrale in Data Science [Programma]
- A. Y. 2020/21 – ‘Reti di Calcolatori’, Informatica [Programma]
- A. Y. 2019/20 – ‘Reti di Calcolatori‘, Informatica [Programma]
- A. Y. 2018/19 – ‘Reti di Calcolatori‘, ITPS, Corso B (M-Z) [Programma]
- A. Y. 2017/18 – ‘Reti di Calcolatori‘, ITPS, Corso B (M-Z) [Programma]
- A. Y. 2016/17 – ‘Reti di Calcolatori‘, ITPS, Corso B (M-Z).
- A. Y. 2016/17 – Agenti Intelligenti, Laurea Magistrale in Informatica.
- A. Y. 2015/16 – ‘Reti di Calcolatori‘, Informatica, sede di Brindisi.
- A. Y. 2014/15 – ‘Reti di Calcolatori‘, Informatica, sede di Brindisi.
- A.Y. 2012/13 – Laboratory sessions (teaching and practice) of of the course ‘Informatics’ (C programming), BSc in Physics, year 1, with exam responsibility.
- A.Y. 2011/12: Laboratory sessions of the course ‘Computer Architecture’. BSc in Informatics, year 2, University of Bari. Assistant lecturer, with exam responsibility.
- A.Y. 2010/11: ‘Web Programming’, BSc in Informatics, year 3, University of Bari. Main lecturer, with exam responsibility.
- A.Y. 2010/11: Laboratory sessions of the course of ‘Computer Networks and Digital Communication’. BSc in Informatics, year 2, University of Bari. Assistant lecturer, with exam responsibility.
- A.Y. 2009/10: Series of seminars on Natural Language Processing (Understanding and Generation) for the course ‘Agenti per la comunicazione digitale’ (Agents for digital communication), MSc in Informatics, year 1.
- A.Y. 2008/09: Laboratory sessions of the course of ‘Programming Language’. BSc in Informatics, year 2, University of Bari.
- A.Y. 2007/08: Series of seminars concerning Logical Reasoning, Surface Natural Language Realisation (with SimpleNLG) and Natural Language Understanding (LSA and Probabilistic Grammar approaches for recognition of communicative acts or affective cues spotting in the language), MSc in Informatics, year 1.
Professional Service
Organizing Committee Member
- ICSME 2024 – Journal-First Track Co-Chair – The 40th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution
- ICSE 2023 – Posters and Informal Demos Track Co-Chair – The 45th International Conference on Software Engineering
- SANER 2023 – Program Co-Chair – 30th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering
- MSR 2022 – Program Co-chair – The Mining Software Repositories 2022 Conference
- ICSE 2022 – Publicity Co-Chair – The 44th International Conference on Software Engineering
- SANER 2022 – REproducibility Studies and NEgative Results (RENE) Track Co-Chair – 29th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering
- ICPC 2021 – REplications and NEgative Results (RENE) Track Co-chair – 29th International Conference on Program Comprehension
- SSBSE 2021 – General Co-chair – 13th Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering
- ICGSE/ICSSP 2021 – Doctoral Track Co-Chair – The joined conferences on International Online Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE) and the International Conference on Software and System Processes (ICSSP)
- SSBSE 2020 – General co-chair – 12th Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering
- MSR 2020 – Publicity co-chair – the 17th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories
- ICSME 2020 – New Ideas track co-chair – 36th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution
- SANER 2020 – Late Breaking Ideas track co-chair – 27th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering
- DocGen2 – Challenge co-chair – 2nd Software Documentation Generation Challenge, collocated with ICSME 2020
- Data Showcase Co-chair for the 16th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2019)
- Local organizing committee member for the 6th Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2019)
- Co-chair of the 6th Evaluation Campaign of NLP and Speech Tools for Italian (EVALITA 2018)
- Co-organizer of the First International Workshop on Affective Computing for Requirements Engineering (AffectRE 2018), co-locate with RE 2018
- Co-chair of the Emotions@AISB 2018 Symposium on Emotion Modeling and Detection in Social Media and Online Interaction, part of the 2018 Convention organised by the Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour (AISB 2018)
- Area chair for the ‘NLP for Web and Social Media’, the 4th Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2017)
- Co-organizer of the First International Workshop on Emotion Awareness in Software Engineering (SEmotion 2016), co-located with ICSE 2016
- Co-organizer of the Second International Workshop on Emotion Awareness in Software Engineering (SEmotion 2017), co-located with ICSE 2017
- Co-organizer of the SENTIPOLC task on SENTIment POLarity Classification for the 5th Evaluation Campaign of NLP and Speech Tools for Italian (EVALITA 2016)
- Member of the publicity team for the 8th IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE 2013)
Program Committee Member
- ICSE 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 (Main Track)
- ESEC/FSE 2022 (Main Track)
- ESEC/FSE 2021 (Main Track) – Distinguished Reviewer Award
- ICSME 2021 (Main Track) – Distinguished Reviewer Award
- MSR 2021 (Main Track) – Distinguished Reviewer Award
- MSR 2019 (Main Track)
- MSR 2020 (Mining Challenge and Registered Report tracks)
- REFSQ 2020, 2021
- SANER 2020 (Main Track)
- RE 2019 (Main Track)
- ASE 2019 (Demonstrations Track)
- ICSME 2019
- ICSME 2018
- CSCW 2018
- AAMAS 2019
- CLiC-it (since 2016)
- DSAA (2016-2018) Special Session on Emotion and Sentiment in Intelligent Systems and Big Social Data Analysis (SentISData)
- ACII 2017, 2015
- ICPC 2017
- AffectRE 2019, co-located with RE 2019
- SEmotion (since 2016), co-located with ICSE
- CHASE (since 2017), co-located with ICSE
- SoHeal 2019, 2020, co-located with ICSE
- BotSE 2020, co-located with ICSE
- CMNA 2019, 19th Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument
- NL4AI 2018 and 2017 co-located with AIxIA
- Doctoral Consortium of AI*IA 2018
- ESSEM since 2015, co-located with ACII 2017
- AI*HCI 2013 – Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI);
- User Models for Motivational Systems 2010, 2011, 2012, co-located with Persuasive
- IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), IEEE Computer Society
- Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE), Springer
- ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), ACM
- Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), Elsevier
- IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, IEEE Computer Society
- Requirements Engineering, Springer
- Information and Software Technology (IST), Elsevier
- ACM Transactions on Internet Technologies (ACM ToIT), ACM
- Natural Language Engineering, Cambridge Journals
- Behaviour & Information Technology, Taylor & Francis
- ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TIIS), ACM
- Communications of the ACM (CACM), ACM
- Speech Communication, Elsevier
Member of Editorial Board of International Journals
Guest Editor
- Journal of Systems and Software – Special Issue on Affect Awareness in Software Engineering. Co-editors: Andrew Begel (Microsoft Research, USA), Walid Maalej (University of Hamburg, Germany).
- IEEE Software – Theme Issue on Sentiment and Emotion in Software Engineering. Co-editor: Alexander Serebrenik (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands). Recipient of the 2020 Apex Award for Publication Excellence
- Listed by Google Scholar
- Listed on Research Gate
- Listed in DBLP
- N. Cassee, N. Ernst, N. Novielli, A. Serebrenik. “Negativity in Self-Admitted Technical Debt: How Sentiment Influences Prioritization“. Empirical Software Engineerning 30, 54 (2025).
- I. Mangiulli, F. Battista, H. Otgaar, T. Lanciano, A. Piro, D. Grassi, N. Novielli, F. Lanubile, A. Curci. “Orally Retrieved Negative Autobiographical Events are Associated with Increased Heart Rate as Compared with Fabricated Ones“. Memory & Cognition, In press (Accepted: Oct. 2024)
- M.A. Storey, D. Russo, Daniel N. Novielli, T. Kobayashi, D. Wang, “A Disruptive Research Playbook for Studying Disruptive Innovations“, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (2024), doi:
- M.P. Robillard, D.M. Arya, N. Ernst, J.L.C. Guo, M. Lamothe, M. Nassif, N. Novielli, A. Serebrenik, I. Steinmacher, K. Stol, “Communicating Study Design Trade-offs in Software Engineering” ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 33, 5, Article 112 (2024), doi:
- N. Cassee, A. Agoronian, E. Constantinou, N. Novielli, A. Serebrenik, “Transformers and Meta-Tokenization in Sentiment Analysis for Software Engineering“, Empirical Software Engineering, 29, 77 (2024), doi: 10.1007/s10664-024-10468-2, In press
- A. Ferrari, T. Huichapa, P. Spoletini, N. Novielli, D. Fucci, D. Girardi, “Using Voice and Biofeedback to Predict User Engagement during Product Feedback Interviews”ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 33, 4, Article 87 (May 2024),
- G. Colavito, F. Lanubile, N. Novielli, L. Quaranta, “Impact of Data Quality for Automatic Issue Classification Using Pre-trained Language Models“, Journal of Systems and Software, 210, C (2024).
- V. Piantadosi, S. Scalabrino, A. Serebrenik, N. Novielli, R. Oliveto, “Do attention and memory explain the performance of software developers?“, Empirical Software Engineering, 2023, doi: 10.1007/s10664-023-10316-9
- N. Cassee, F. Zampetti, N. Novielli, A. Serebrenik, M. Di Penta, “Self-Admitted Technical Debt and comments’ polarity: an empirical study“, Empirical Software Engineering, (2022), doi: 10.1007/s10664-022-10183-w
- H. Hata, N. Novielli, S. Baltes, R.G. Kula, C. Treude, “GitHub Discussions: An Exploratory Study of Early Adoption“, Empirical Software Engineering, 2021 (online), doi: 10.1007/s10664-021-10058-6
- D. Girardi, F. Lanubile, N. Novielli, A. Serebrenik, “Emotions and Perceived Productivity of Software Developers at the Workplace“, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2021 (online), doi: 10.1109/TSE.2021.3087906
- N. Novielli, F. Calefato, F. Lanubile, A. Serebrenik, “Assessment of Off-the-Shelf SE-specific Sentiment Analysis Tools: An Extended Replication Study“. Empirical Software Engineering, 2021, DOI: 10.1007/s10664-021-09960-w
- B. Lin, N. Cassee, A. Serebrenik, G. Bavota, N. Novielli, M. Lanza “Opinion Mining for Software Development: A Systematic Literature Review“. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 2022, doi: 10.1145/3490388
- F. Ebert. F. Castor, N. Novielli, A. Serebrenik, “An Exploratory Study on Confusion in Code Reviews “. Empirical Software Engineering, Vol. 26, Issue 12, 2021, DOI: 10.1007/s10664-020-09909-5
- P. Ralph, S. Baltes, G. Adisaputri, R. Torkar, V. Kovalenko, M. Kalinowski, N. Novielli, S. Yoo, X. Devroey, X. Tan, M. Zhou, B. Turhan, R. Hoda, H. Hata, G. Robles, A. Milani Fard, R. Alkadhi, “Pandemic Programming: How COVID-19 affects software developers and how their organizations can help“. Empirical Software Engineering, 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s10664-020-09875-y
N. Novielli, F. Calefato and F. Lanubile, “Love, Joy, Anger, Sadness, Fear, and Surprise: SE Needs Special Kinds of AI: A Case Study on Text Mining and SE“. IEEE Software, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 86-91, May-June 2020, DOI: 10.1109/MS.2020.2968557
- V. Basile, N. Novielli, D. Croce, F. Barbieri, M. Nissim, V. Patti, “Sentiment Polarity Classification at EVALITA: Lessons Learned and Open Challenges“. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (online Nov. 2018). DOI: 10.1109/TAFFC.2018.2884015
- F. Calefato, F. Lanubile, N. Novielli, “An Empirical Assessment of Best-Answer Prediction Models in Technical Q&A Sites“. Empirical Software Engineering. DOI: 10.1007/s10664-018-9642-5
- F. Calefato, F. Lanubile, N. Novielli, “How to Ask for Technical Help? Evidence-based Guidelines for Writing Questions on Stack Overflow“. Information and Software Technology, Volume 94, February 2018, pp. 186-207. doi:
- F. Calefato, F. Lanubile, F. Maiorano, N. Novielli, “Sentiment Polarity Detection for Software Development“. Empirical Software Engineering (2018) DOI: Download the gold standard and tool [here]
- F. Calefato, F. Lanubile, and N. Novielli. “The Role of Social Media in Affective Trust Building in Customer-Supplier Relationships.” Electronic Commerce Research, 2015, DOI: 10.1007/s10660-015-9194-3 , Volume 15, Issue 4, pp 453–482
- N. Novielli, C. Strapparava. “The Role of Affect Analysis in Dialogue Act Identification“. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 439-451, Oct.-Dec. 2013
- B. De Carolis, N. Novielli, “Recognizing Signals of Social Attitude in Interacting with Ambient Conversational Systems”. Journal of Multimodal Interfaces, vol. 8, p. 43-60, ISSN: 1783-7677, 2014
- N. Novielli, I. Mazzotta, B. De Carolis, and S. Pizzutilo. “Analysing user’s reactions in advice-giving dialogues with a socially intelligent ECA”. Cognitive Processing, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Issn: 1612-4782 pp. 1-11, Url:, Online October 2011
- B. De Carolis, S. Ferilli, N. Novielli, F. Leuzzi, F. Rotella “Social attitude recognition in multimodal interaction with a pedagogical agent.” Journal of e-learning and knowledge society (JE-LKS), vol. 8, p. 141-151, ISSN: 1826-6223, 2012
- N. Novielli and C. Strapparava. “Exploring the Lexical Semantics of Dialogue Acts ”. Journal of Computational Linguistics and Applications, pp. 9–26, vol. 1, no. 1-2, ISSN 0976-0962, 2010.
- N. Novielli. “HMM modeling of user engagement in advice-giving dialogues” Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, vol. 3, num. 1-2, pp. 131-140, March 2010, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg.
- N. Novielli, F. de Rosis and I. Mazzotta. “User Attitude Towards an Embodied Conversational Agent: Effects of the Interaction Mode” . Journal of Pragmatics, Volume 42, issue 9 (September, 2010), p. 2385-2397, Elsevier Science, ISSN: 0378-2166, 2010.
- N. Novielli. “Riconoscimento di opinioni e inferenza di belief dall’analisi di turni di dialogo in linguaggio naturale” In Cognito – Cahiers Romans de Sciences Cognitives, Vol 4, Num 1-2, ISSN: 1267-8015, Giugno 2009
- F. de Rosis, N. Novielli, V. Carofiglio, A. Cavalluzzi and B. De Carolis. “User Modeling And Adaptation In Health Promotion Dialogs With An Animated Character” . International Journal of Biomedical Informatics, Special issue: Dialog systems for health communications, Elsevier (Ed.), ISSN: 1532-0464, Volume 39, Issue 5 (October 2006) pages 514-531, 20
International Conferences and Workshops
- Emanuela Guglielmi, Gabriele Bavota, Nicole Novielli, Rocco Oliveto, Simone Scalabrino. “Is it Really Fun? Detecting Low Engagement Events in Video Games“. In Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2025), to appear.
- Daniela Grassi, Filippo Lanubile, Alberta Mocta-Schnabel, Nicole Novielli. “A Cluster-based Approach for Emotion Recognition in Software Development“. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE 2025), to appear.
- Matteo Vaccargiu, Rumyana Neykova, Nicole Novielli, Marco Ortu, Giuseppe Destefanis. “More Than Code: Technical and Emotional Dynamics in Solidity’s Development“. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE 2025), to appear.
- Giuseppe Colavito, Filippo Lanubile, Nicole Novielli, Luigi Quaranta. “Leveraging GPT-like LLMs to Automate Issue Labeling“. In Proceedings of IEEE/ACM 21st International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2024), doi: /10.1145/3643991.3644903
- Nicole Novielli, Rocco Oliveto, Fabio Palomba, Fabio Calefato, Giuseppe Colavito, Vincenzo De Martino, Antonio Della Porta, Giammaria Giordano, Emanuela Guglielmi, Filippo Lanubile, Luigi Quaranta, Gilberto Recupito, Simone Scalabrino, Angelica Spina, and Antonio Vitale “QualAI: Continuous Quality Improvement of AI-based Systems“. In Joint Proceedings of RCIS 2024 – Workshops and Research Projects Track, May 14-17, 2024, Guimarães, Portugal
- Gennaro Laudato, Simone Scalabrino, Nicole Novielli, Filippo Lanubile, Rocco Oliveto. “Predicting Bugs by Monitoring Developers During Task Execution“. In Proceedings of the 45th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2023) , DOI: 10.1109/ICSE48619.2023.00100
- Daniela Grassi, Filippo Lanubile, Nicole Novielli, Alexander Serebrenik. “Towards Supporting Emotion Awareness in Retrospective Meetings” in Proceedings of the 45th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2023) – NIER track
- Giuseppe Colavito, Filippo Lanubile, Nicole Novielli. “Few-Shot Learning for Issue Report Classification” in Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 2nd International Workshop on Natural Language-Based Software Engineering (NLBSE 2023), DOI: 10.1109/NLBSE59153.2023.00011
- Nicole Novielli, Daniela Grassi, Filippo Lanubile, Alexander Serebrenik. “Sensor-Based Emotion Recognition in Software Development: Facial Expressions as Gold Standard“. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2022) doi: 10.1109/ACII55700.2022.9953808.
- Elena Sajno, Andrea Beretta, Nicole Novielli, Giuseppe Riva. “Follow the Flow: A Prospective on the On-Line Detection of Flow Mental State through Machine Learning“. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Metrology for Extended Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Engineering (MetroXRAINE) doi: 10.1109/MetroXRAINE54828.2022.9967605.
- Giuseppe Colavito, Filippo Lanubile, Nicole Novielli. “Issue report classification using pre-trained language models” in Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Natural Language-based Software Engineering (NLBSE 2022), DOI: 10.1145/3528588.3528659
- Gianmarco Fucci, Nathan Cassee, Fiorella Zampetti, Nicole Novielli, Alexander Serebrenik, Massimiliano (Max) Di Penta. “Waiting around or job half-done? Sentiment in self-admitted technical debt“. In Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2021), May 2021 – DOI: 10.1109/MSR52588.2021.00052
- D. Girardi, N.Novielli, D. Fucci, F. Lanubile. “Recognizing Developers’ Emotions while Programming“. In Proceedings of the 42th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2020) October, 2020 – DOI: – Replication package
- W. Wang, D. Arya, N. Novielli, J. Cheng, J. Guo. “ArguLens: Anatomy of Community Opinions On Usability Issues Using Argumentation Models“. In Proceedings of CHI ’20 – Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems April 25-30, 2020 – DOI:
- N. Novielli, F. Calefato, D. Dongiovanni, D. Girardi, F. Lanubile. “Can We Use SE-specific Sentiment Analysis Tools in a Cross-Platform Setting?“. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2020), October 5-6, 2020 – DOI:
- D. Girardi, A. Ferrari, N. Novielli, P. Spoletini, D. Fucci, T. Huichapa. “The Way it Makes you Feel. Predicting Users’ Engagement during Interviews with Biofeedback and Supervised Learning“. In Proceedings of the 28th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE’20), August 31 – September 4, 2020 – DOI: 10.1109/RE48521.2020.00016
- G. Colavito, P. Basile, N. Novielli “Leveraging Textual and Non-Textual Features for Documentation Decluttering” in Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME), DOI: 10.1109/ICSME46990.2020.00113
- F. Ebert, F. Castor, N.Novielli, A. Serebrenik, “Confusion in Code Reviews: Reasons, Impacts, and Coping Strategies“. In Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER 2019) February 24-27, 2019 [Slides] Best Paper Award
- D. Fucci, D. Girardi, N. Novielli, L. Quaranta, F. Lanubile, “A Replication Study on Code Comprehension and Expertise using Lightweight Biometric Sensors“. In Proceedings of the 27th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC 2019), May 25-26, 2019
- D. Girardi, F. Lanubile, N. Novielli, L. Quaranta, A. Serebrenik, “Towards Recognizing the Emotions of Developers Using Biometrics: The Design of a Field Study“. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Emotion Awareness in Software Engineering (SEmotion 2019), May 28, 2019
- F. Calefato, F. Lanubile, N. Novielli, L. Quaranta, “EMTk – The Emotion Mining Toolkit“. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Emotion Awareness in Software Engineering (SEmotion 2019), May 28, 2019
- F. Ebert, F. Castor, N.Novielli, A. Serebrenik, “Communicative Intention in Code Review Questions“. In Proceedings of the 34th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME 2018), Sept. 2018, Madrid, Spain
- N. Novielli, F. Calefato, F. Lanubile, “A Gold Standard for Emotion Annotation in Stack Overflow”. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR ’18) Data Showcase Track, 28-29 May, Gothenburg, Sweden. Download the dataset [here]
- N. Novielli, D. Girardi, F. Lanubile, “A Benchmark Study on Sentiment Analysis for Software Engineering Research”. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR ’18), 28-29 May, Gothenburg, Sweden
- D. Girardi, F. Lanubile, N. Novielli, D. Fucci, “Sensing Developers’ Emotions: The Design of a Replicated Experiment“. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Emotion Awareness in Software Engineering (SEmotion ’18), co-located with ICSE
- T. Caselli, N. Novielli, V. Patti, N. Novielli, “Evalita 2018: Overview on the 6th Evaluation Campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech Tools for Italian” In Proceedings of the Sixth Evaluation Campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech Tools for Italian (EVALITA 2018), co-located with CLiC-it 2018, Turin, Dec. 2018, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 2263
- P. Basile, N. Novielli “Overview of the Evalita 2018 itaLIan Speech acT labEliNg (iLISTEN) Task” In Proceedings of the Sixth Evaluation Campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech Tools for Italian (EVALITA 2018), co-located with CLiC-it 2018, Turin, Dec. 2018, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 2263
- P. Basile, N. Novielli, ““Buon appetito!” – Analyzing Happiness in Italian Tweets” In Proceedings of the Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2018), Turin, Dec. 2018, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 2253
- F. Calefato, F. Lanubile, N. Novielli, “EmoTxt: A Toolkit for Emotion Recognition from Text” In Proceedings of ACII 2017, the 7th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2017), pp. 79-80, ISBN: 978-1-5386-0563-9. Download the tool [here]
- D. Girardi, F. Lanubile, N. Novielli, “Emotion Detection Using Noninvasive Low Cost Sensors“. In Proceedings of the 2017 Seventh International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2017), IEEE, ISBN: 978-1-5386-0563-9, pp. 125-130.
- F. Ebert, F. Castor, N. Novielli, A. Serebrenik, “Confusion Detection in Code Reviews” In Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution – New Ideas and Emerging Results track (ICSME-NIER) 2017.
- F. Calefato, G. Iaffaldano, F. Lanubile, A. Lategano, N. Novielli. “Mining Communication Data in a Music Community: A Preliminary Analysis.” In: Garrigós I., Wimmer M. (eds) Current Trends in Web Engineering. ICWE 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10544. Springer, pp 241-251.
- D. Gachechiladze, F. Lanubile, N. Novielli, A. Serebrenik “Anger and Its Direction in Collaborative Software Development.” In Proceedings of ICSE 2017, the IEEE/ACM 39th Interational Conference on Software Engineering: New Ideas and Emerging Results (NIER) Track , pp.11-14, 2017. Download the dataset [here]
- M. V. Mäntylä, N. Novielli, F. Lanubile, M. Claes, M. Kuutila “Bootstrapping a Lexicon for Emotional Arousal in Software Engineering.” In Proceedings of MSR 2017, IEEE/ACM 14th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories , pp. 198-202, 2017. Download the lexicon [here]
- F. Calefato, F. Lanubile, N. Novielli “A Preliminary Analysis on the Effects of Propensity to Trust in Distributed Software Development.” In Proc. of ICGSE 2017, the IEEE 12th International Conference on Global Software Engineering , pp.56-60, 2017.
- F. Calefato, F. Lanubile, N. Novielli. “Moving to Stack Overflow: Best-Answer Prediction in Legacy Developer Forums.” In Proc. 10th Int’l Symposium on Empirical Softw. Eng. and Measurement (ESEM’16), Ciudad Real, Spain, Sept. 8-9, 2016.
- F. Barbieri, V. Basile, D. Croce, M. Nissim, N. Novielli. V. Patti. “Overview of the Evalita 2016 Sentiment Polarity Classification Task“, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1749, 2016.
N. Novielli, F. Calefato, F. Lanubile, G. Mininni, A. Taronna. The EmoQuest Project: Emotions in Q&A Sites”. In Proc. nternational Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2016), Bari, Italy, June 2016.
- F. Calefato, F. Lanubile, M.C. Marasciulo, N. Novielli. MSR Challenge: “Mining Successful Answers in Stack Overflow.” In Proc. 12th IEEE Working Conf. on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2015), Florence, Italy, May 16-17, 2015.
- P. Basile, V. Basile, M. Nissim, N. Novielli “Deep Tweets: from Entity Linking to Sentiment Analysis” In Proc. of the 2nd Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLIC’15), Dec. 3-4, 2015, Trento, Italy. [Slides]
- N. Novielli, F. Calefato, F. Lanubile. “The Challenges of Sentiment Detection in the Social Programmer Ecosystem” In Proc. 7th Int’l Workshop on Social Software Engineering (SSE’15), Sep. 1, 2015, Bergamo, Italy. [Slides]
- Pierpaolo Basile, Nicole Novielli (2015) UNIBA : Sentiment Analysis of English Tweets Combining Micro-blogging, Lexicon and Semantic Features In: Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2015) 595-600. Association for Computational Linguistics.
- F. Calefato, F. Lanubile, and N. Novielli, “Investigating the Effect of Social Media on Trust Building in Customer-Supplier Relationships,” 16th Int’l Conf. on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS’14), Lisbon, Portugal, Apr. 27-30, 2014.
- N. Novielli, F. Calefato, F. Lanubile. “Towards Discovering the Role of Emotions in Stack Overflow” – In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Social Software Engineering pp. 33-36, ACM 2014 [DOI][Slides]
- P. Basile, N. Novielli. UNIBA at EVALITA 2014-SENTIPOLC Task: Predicting tweet sentiment polarity combining micro-blogging, lexicon and semantic features. In proceedings of Evalita 2014 – The system ranked 1st in the subjectivity and polarity detection tasks [Slides]
- F. Calefato, F. Lanubile, N. Novielli. “A Preliminary Investigation of the Effect of Social Media on Affective Trust in Customer-Supplier Relationships“, in Proceedings of Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2013), Geneva, Switzerland, 2013.
- F. Calefato, F. Lanubile, and N. Novielli, “Social Media and Trust Building in Virtual Teams: The Design of a Replicated Experiment.” 1st Int’l Workshop on Trust in Virtual Teams: Theory and Tools, San Antonio, TX, USA, 23 Feb. 2013.
- B. De Carolis, S. Ferilli, N. Novielli. “Towards a Model for Recognising the Social Attitude in Natural Interaction with Embodied Agents”, In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems, CISIS 2012, ISBN 978-1-4673-1233-2, pp- 552-559, Palermo, Italy, July 4-6, 2012
- S. Ferilli, D. Cavone, B. De Carolis, N. Novielli. “A Layered Architecture for Situation Aware Home Environments”, in Volume 10: Workshop Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Environments, Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments Series, ISBN 978-1-60750-794-9, pp. 29-40, IE 2011, Nottingham, United Kingdom, July 25-28, IOS Press 2011
- P. Plantamura, M. Cives, N. Novielli. “Towards Supporting Effective Knowledge-sharing and Professional Skills in Computer-mediated Interaction ” in Proceedings of INTED 2012
- B. De Carolis, S. Ferilli, N. Novielli, F. Leuzzi, F. Rotella. “Recognising the Social Attitude in Natural Interaction with Pedagogical Agent”, in Proceedings of Didamatica 2012
- D. Cavone, B. De Carolis, S. Ferilli, N. Novielli. “A Multiagent System Supporting Situation Aware Interaction With A Smart Environment ”, in Proceedings of PECCS 2012, the 2nd International Conference on Pervasive Embedded Computing and Communication Systems, ISBN 978-989-8565-00-6, pp. 67-72, Rome, Italy, 24-26 February, SciTePress 2012
- B. De Carolis, S. Ferilli, N. Novielli. “Recognizing the User Social Attitude in Multimodal Interaction in Smart Environments”, in Ambient Intelligence, Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference, AmI 2012, LNCS vol. 7683, pp. 240-255, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-34898-3_16, Pisa, Italy, November 13-15, 2012
- B. De Carolis, I. Mazzotta, N. Novielli, S. Pizzutilo, A. Manta, M. Silvestri. “CORSAR – a Collaborative, Context-aware Recommender System in the Tourism Domain ”, in Proceedings of PECCS 2012, the 2nd International Conference on Pervasive Embedded Computing and Communication Systems, ISBN 978-989-8565-00-6, pp. 245-248, Rome, Italy, 24-26 February, SciTePress 2012
- M. Cives, N. Novielli. “A Hypermedia Environment To Support Language Learning ” in Proceedings of the IADIS e-Society 2011, Avila, Spain, 10 to 13 March 2011
- P. Plantamura, N. Novielli, M. Cives, E. Gentile. “Towards Supporting Effective Interaction in a Web Forum ” in Proceedings of e-CASE & e-Tech 2011 Tokyo, January 18-20, 2011
- B. De Carolis, N. Novielli, I. Mazzotta and S. Pizzutilo. “A Social Robot For Facilitating Human Relations In Smart Environments, ” in the Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART), Rome, Italy, 28-30 January 2011
- P. Plantamura, N. Novielli, and E. Gentile. “Supporting Effective Interaction in E-Learining: Towards a Constructivist Approach ” in Proceedings of the International Conference on E-Learning in the Workplace, ICELW 2011, June 8th-10th, New York, NY, USA, 2011
- N. Novielli, C. Strapparava. “Studying the Lexicon of Dialogue Acts ” in N. Calzolari, K. Choukri, B. Maegaard, J. Mariani, J. Odijk, S. Piperidis, M. Rosner & D. Tapias (Eds.) Proceedings of the Seventh conference on International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’10), 2010
- B. De Carolis, I. Mazzotta, N. Novielli, S. Pizzutilo. “Social robots and ECAs for accessing smart environments services ” in G. Santucci (Ed.): Proceedings of the Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces AVI 2010 (Roma, Italy, May 26 – 28, 2010). G. Santucci (Ed.) AVI ’10. ACM, New York, NY, ISBN: 978-1-4503-0076-6, pages 275-278. 2010
- B. De Carolis, I. Mazzotta, N. Novelli, V. Silvestri. “Using Common Sense For Improving Context-Aware Recommendations In The Tourism Domain ” in Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/INTERNET, ISBN: 978-972-8924-92-8, Rome, Italy, 19-22 November, 2009
- B. De Carolis, I. Mazzotta, N. Novielli. “NICA: Natural Interaction with a Caring Agent” In Ambient Intelligence, European Conference, AmI 2009, Salzburg, Austria, November 18-21, vol. 5859/2009, pages 159-163, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2009
- I. Mazzotta, N. Novielli, B. De Carolis. “Are ECAs More Persuasive than Textual Messages?” In Z. Ruttkay, M. Kipp, A. Nijholt, H. Vilhjalmsson (Eds.): Intelligent Virtual Agents, 9th International Conference, IVA 2009, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 14-16, 2009, Springer LNCS 5773, pages 527-528, 2009
- V. Carofiglio, F. de Rosis, N. Novielli. “Cognitive Emotion Modeling In Natural Language Communication ” in Affective Information Processing, JianHua Tao (Ed), Springer London, pages 23-44, 2009
- B. De Carolis, N. Novielli, V. L. Plantamura, E. Gentile. “Generating comparative descriptions of places of interest in the tourism domain ” In L. D. Bergman, A. Tuzhilin and R. Burke, A. Felfernig and L. Schmidt-Thieme (Eds.): Proceedings of the 2009 ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, RecSys 2009, New York, NY, USA, October 23-25, pages 277-280, ISBN 978-1-60558-435-5, 2009
- N. Novielli, E. Gentile. “Modeling User Interpersonal Stances in Affective Dialogues with an ECA ” In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE’2009), Boston, Massachusetts, USA, July 1-3, Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School, ISBN 1-891706-24-1, pages 581-586 2009
- V. Carofiglio, B. De Carolis, I. Mazzotta, N. Novielli, S. Pizzutilo. “Towards a Socially Intelligent ECA ” in Giovannella C., Santucci G. (Eds.) Proceedings of CHItaly ’09, Roma, Italy, pages 99-106, ISBN 978-88-88044-14-9, 2009
- N. Novielli, C. Strapparava. “Dialogue Act Recognition and the Role of Affect ” Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium of Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII) 2009, pages 1-8, ISSN:0929-0672, 2009 – Best Student Paper Award (Fiorella de Rosis award)
- N. Novielli, C. Strapparava. “Towards Unsupervised Recognition of Dialogue Acts ” in Proceedings of Human Language Technologies: The 2009 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Companion Volume: Student Research Workshop and Doctoral Consortium, pages 84-89, 2009
- B. De Carolis, I. Mazzotta, N. Novielli, V. Silvestri. “Using Common Sense in Providing Personalized Recommendations in the Tourism Domain ” In Proceedings of the Workshop on Context-Aware Recommender Systems (CARS 2009), in conjunction with the 3rd ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, New York, NY, USA – October 25, 2009.
- B. De Carolis, I. Mazzotta, N. Novielli. “NICA Cares for Me! Planning Socially Intelligent Reactions in a Caring Robot”? In Proceedings of WOA 2009, Decimo Workshop Nazionale “Dagli Oggetti agli Agenti”, Parma, 9-10 Luglio 2009
- N. Novielli, P. Carnevale and J. Gratch. “Cooperation Attitude In Negotiation Dialogs ” in Proceedings of the Worskhop on Corpora for Research on Emotion and Affect, in the scope of LREC2008, ISBN 2-9517408-4-0, 2008.
- F. de Rosis, A. Batliner, N. Novielli and S. Steidl. “’You are Sooo Cool, Valentina!’ Recognizing Social Attitude in Speech-Based Dialogues with an ECA ” In A. Paiva, R. Picard and R. Prada (Eds): Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, Springer LNCS 4738, ISBN 978-3-540-74888-5, ISSN: 0302-9743 (Print) 1611-3349 (Online), pages 179-190, 2007
- I. Mazzotta, N. Novielli, E. Silvestri and F. de Rosis. “ ‘O Francesca, ma che sei grulla?’. Emotions and irony in persuasion dialogues ” in Proceedings of the 10th Conference of AI*IA – Special Track on ‘AI for Expressive Media’. AI*IA 2007: Artificial Intelligence and Human-Oriented Computing, Rome, Springer LNCS 4733/2007, ISBN 978-3-540-74781-9, pages 602-613, 2007
- A. Martalò, N. Novielli, F. de Rosis. “Attitude display in dialogue patterns ” Proc. of AISB’08, Symp. on ‘Affective Language in Human and Machine’, ISBN: 1 902956 61 3, 2008.
- F. de Rosis and N. Novielli. “From Language to Thoughts: Inferring Opinions And Beliefs From Verbal Behavior ” In Proceedings of the Workshop on Mindful Environment, in the scope of AISB ’07, Newcastle, UK, pages 377-384, 2007
- G. Clarizio, I. Mazzotta, N. Novielli and F. de Rosis. “Social Attitude Towards a Conversational Character” – In Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication. RO-MAN 2006. Hatfield, UK, pages 2-7. DOI 10.1109/ROMAN.2006.314386, ISBN: 1-4244-0564-5, 2006.
- F. de Rosis, A. Cavalluzzi, I. Mazzotta and N. Novielli. “Can Embodied Conversational Agents induce empathy in users? ” Proceedings of the Joint Symposium on Virtual Social Agents. In the scope of AISB’05, April 2005, pages 65-72. ISBN 1 902956 492, 2005.
- A. Cavalluzzi, F. de Rosis, I. Mazzotta and N. Novielli. “Modeling the user attitude towards an ECA” In Sandra Carberry and Fiorella de Rosis (Ed.), Proc. Workshop on Adapting the Interaction Style to Affective Factors, at UM’05. Edinburgh, UK, July 2005.
- A. Cavalluzzi, G. Clarizio, B. De Carolis, I. Mazzotta and N. Novielli. “Iterative Design of Embodied Conversational Agents With Wizard of Oz Studies ” Humaine: Proceedings of the WP6 Workshop, Paris, FR, March, 2005.
- N. Novielli. Recognizing Developers’ Emotions Using Non-invasive Biometrics Sensors, The 20th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2023)
- N. Novielli, S. Marczak. “Social Network Analysis for Global Software Engineering: Exploring Developer Relationships from a Fine-Grained Perspective“, in ICGSE Workshops, Proceedings of 8th IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering Workshops, pp. 47-48 DOI: 10.1109/ICGSEW.2013.14, Bari, Italy, August 26-29, 2013
Book Chapters
- B. De Carolis, I. Mazzotta, N. Novielli, S. Pizzutilo. “Planning Socially Intelligent Reactions in a Caring Agent”, in UMADR – User Modeling and Adaptation for Daily Routines, Springer HCI Series, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4471-4778-7, 2013
- N. Novielli, C. Strapparava. “Dialogue Act Classification Exploiting Lexical Semantics ” In D. Perez-Marin and I. Pascual-Nieto (Eds): Conversational Agents and Natural Language Interaction: Techniques and Effective Practices, pp. 80-106, 2011
- B. De Carolis, I. Mazzotta, and N. Novielli. “Enhancing Conversational Access to Information through a Socially Intelligent Agent” In G. Armano, M. de Gemmis, G. Semeraro and E. Vargiu (Eds): Intelligent Information Access, Studies in Computational Intelligence, 2010, Vol. 301/2010, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-14000-6_1, 1-20, 2010.
- V. Carofiglio, F. de Rosis and N. Novielli. “Dynamic User Modeling in Health Promotion Dialogs ” In J. Tao, T. Tan and R. W. Picard (Eds): Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, Springer LNCS 3784, ISBN 978-3-540-29621-8, ISSN: 0302-9743 (Print) 1611-3349 (Online), pages 723-730, 2005