
The workshop on Trust in Virtual Teams provides an opportunity for in-depth discussion and community building in which trust in virtual teams will be the central theme. Virtual teams have become prevalent as the result of several aspects which come into play during collaborative activities. While there is some progress in supporting collaborations among members of virtual teams, trust remains an aspect that bears further investigation. Trust is essential for effective and efficient collaborations to take place and is more challenging when people are unable to meet face-to-face.

Workshop Themes

This workshop aims to generate discussions which address three key issues within the general theme:

  1. the factors that engender and inhibit trust;
  2. the structure of a trust framework; and
  3. the requirements for software tools that support the development of positive trust during virtual collaborations.


Interested participants must submit a 2 to 4 page position paper that includes the following details:

  • Titles, names, affiliations, and emails of each author.
  • An introduction and background to the topic discussed in the position paper.
  • A discussion of one or more of the central workshop themes.
  • A short biography of each author’s background, their interest in this field and their motivations for participating in the workshop.

Submissions must be in English and formatted using the CSCW 2013 template (Word version can be downloaded here and the Latex version here). Papers should be submitted electronically by November 16, 2012 (visit the submission page), with participant notification by December 11, 2012 through our submission web site.

All the submissions will be reviewed by workshop organizers. Accepted position papers will be made available to all participants just prior to the workshop. Workshop participants will be expected to prepare a poster that will support discussions on the workshop theme of interest.

Call for Papers